Spruce CSV Data Export
This document describes the structure and fields of a periodic Spruce data export. The files listed below will be packaged into a zipped folder and delivered to you via an SFTP endpoint. The reports can be delivered daily, weekly or monthly.
- The Data Export tool is only available on a case by case basis. Please reach out to your Account Manager or Spruce Support to learn if your account is eligible for the data export tool.
- You will need an SFTP server with basic authentication (username and password) to which Spruce can deliver the data export tool.
- Please create a folder in the root directory (e.g.
) on the SFTP host with write permissions so that Spruce can write a file in the folder - Please share the following information with Spruce:
- SFTP endpoint
- Username
- Password
- Folder in the root directory (e.g.
) with write permissions - Frequency of export delivery (daily, weekly or monthly)
Things to Note
- The data will be delivered in the CSV format.
is an opaque identifier that maps to a user in our systemtimestamp
1 is in the RFC 3339 Nano format (e.g. 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00)- phone numbers are of format
- sip_uri is of format
CSV Files
This file contains any metadata related to the report.
- start_timestamp (timestamp)
- end_timestamp (timestamp)
This is a list of all non-deleted entities (providers, patients, user-groups, etc.) in the organization.
Note that in a periodic data export, this file will always contain a comprehensive list of entities.
- entity_id (string)
- first_name (string)
- last_name (string)
- display_name (string)
- company_name (string)
- dob (string) (in format
) - type (string)
- represents a member of the providing teamPATIENT
- represents a patient using the Spruce the appUSER_GROUP
- represents a group of providersEXTERNAL
- represents an entity that a provider can interact with over sms or email or phonePHONE
- represents a VoIP device in the organization that is used to make/receive phone calls.
- invite_pending (boolean) - whether the entity has an invite pending to create a spruce account
- entity_created_timestamp (timestamp) - the time at which the entity was created (in UTC)
This is a list of tags associated with each non-deleted entity.
Note that in a periodic data export, this file will always contain tags for all non-deleted entities referenced in entities.csv.
- entity_id (string)
- tag (string)
This is a file that contains an entity’s contact information if we have any.
Note that in a periodic data export, this file will always contain a comprehensive list of entities.
- entity_id (timestamp)
- value (string) (phone number or email or fax number or sip endpoint)
- type (string) (
) - label (string)
This file contains a list of members in each user group.
Note that in a periodic data export, this file will always contain a comprehensive list of entities.
- group_entity_id (string)
- member_entity_id (string)
This is a mapping of a patient to an external ID (such as patient EMR chart ID) for the systems that we integrate with.
- entity_id (string)
- type (string) (elation, hint, etc.)
- external_id (string) (elation_id, hint_id, etc.)
This is a list of all non-deleted conversations in the organization.
Note that in a periodic data export, this file will only contain conversations that have a message exchanged in the time period. In other words, this file will NOT be a comprehensive list of all conversations but an incremental one based on the time period involved in the export.
- conversation_id (string)
- primary_entity_id (string): if present, represents the ID of the entity that is being communicated with (in the case of 2 participants). If empty, then it means that the conversation likely has 2+ participants.
- type (string) (TEAM, STANDARD, SECURE)
- created_timestamp (timestamp)
- message_count (int64)
- lastmessage_timestamp (timestamp) - this is the last time that there was any activity in the thread
- assigned_entity_id (string) - entity the conversation is currently assigned to
- deleted (boolean) - indicates whether conversation is deleted or not
- internal_endpoint (string) - represents the actual endpoint value (phone/fax number or email address) for standard conversations or the Spruce Link ID for secure conversations used in the conversation.
- external_endpoint (string) - represents the actual endpoint value (phone/fax number or email address) for standard conversations or the organization ID on the other side of the conversation for secure conversations. Note that if external_endpoint is empty, it either means that there are 2+ participants involved in the conversation or we are dealing with a conversation where it was not possible to determine the external_endpoint due to legacy reasons.
This is a list of tags associated with the conversation.
Note that in a periodic data export, this file will only contain tags for conversations that have a message exchanged in the time period. In other words, this file will NOT be a comprehensive list of all conversation tags but an incremental one based on the time period involved in the export.
- conversation_id (string)
- tag (string)
This is a list of actions undertaken at a thread level.
Note that in a periodic data export, this file will only contain conversation events that have occurred in the time period. In other words, this file will NOT be a comprehensive list of all conversation events but an incremental one based on the time period involved in the export.
- conversation_id (string)
- created_timestamp (timestamp)
- actorentity_id (string)- _indicates who did the action
- event (string) - (possible values DELETE, UPDATE_MEMBERS,UPDATE_ASSIGNMENT,ARCHIVE)
- data (string) - json blob that contains event details
If event == ARCHIVE
"archive": bool, // true if archived, false if unarchived
"unassign": bool, // true if unasigned while archiving, only relevant when archiving
"implicit": bool, // true if unarchived due to a message post rather than an explicit user action
"add_entity_ids": [string], // users added
"remove_entity_ids": [string], // users removed`
"assign_entity_id": string // if empty string then unassigned, else who conversation was assigned to
This is a list of @Pages in the system created by an entity and resolved by another user.
Note that in a periodic data export, this file will only contain Pages that have been posted in the time period. In other words, this file will NOT be a comprehensive list of all Pages but an incremental one based on the time period involved in the export.
- page_id (string)
- conversation_id (string)
- messageid (string)- _id of the message that contains the page
- resolved (boolean) - whether or not page has been resolved
- resolvedtimestamp (timestamp) - _time at which page was resolved
- resolvedby_entity_id (string) - _who resolved the page
This is a list of entities referenced in a page.
Note that in a periodic data export, this file will only contain entities for Pages that have been posted in the time period. In other words, this file will NOT be a comprehensive list of all Pages but an incremental one based on the time period involved in the export.
- page_id (string)
- entityid (string) - _who the page has been assigned to
Note that in a periodic data export, this file will only contain messages that have been exchanged in the time period. In other words, this file will NOT be a comprehensive list of all messages but an incremental one based on the time period involved in the export.
- message_id (string)
- conversation_id (string)
- created_timestamp (timestamp)
- internal (boolean) - whether the message was internal to the organization or for the patient
- destinations (string) (piped list of type:value e.g. SMS:+14155551212|EMAIL:[email protected])
- actor_entity_id (string)
- message_body (string)
- message_type (string)
- USER - generated by the user
- EVENT - activity that results in an event in the conversation (eg. assignment changed, tag added/removed)
- TRIGGERED - message triggered via user activity (eg. away message, automated welcome message)
- SCHEDULED - message sent due to a scheduled message
- deleted (boolean) - indicates whether conversation is deleted or not
Note that in a periodic data export, this file will only contain inbound calls that have been received in the time period. In other words, this file will NOT be a comprehensive list of all inbound calls but an incremental one based on the time period involved in the export.
- created_timestamp (timestamp)
- source (string)
- destination (string)
- answered (string)
- answered_by (string) - if answered, phone number or username of SIP endpoint where call was answered. To identify the exact name of the phone line, see voip_phone_lines.csv
- answered_timestamp (timestamp)
- completed_timestamp (timestamp)
- sent_to_voicemail (boolean)
- left_voicemail_timestamp (timestamp)
- phone_tree_node_id (string)
Note that in a periodic data export, this file will contain a comprehensive list of ALL VOIP based phone lines configured in the organization
- username - username of SIP endpoint
- name - name of phone line
- entity_id - ID of the phone entity that shows up in messages. See entities.csv for the exact entity that maps to the phone entity.
Note that in a periodic data export, this file will only contain outbound calls that have been placed in the time period. In other words, this file will NOT be a comprehensive list of all outbound calls but an incremental one based on the time period involved in the export.
- source (string)
- destination (string)
- outbound_caller_id (string)
- created_timestamp (timestamp)
- caller_entity_id (string)
- completed_timestamp (string)
Note that in a periodic data export, this file will contain a comprehensive list of ALL Spruce links configured in the organization
- id (string) - unique ID to identify the Spruce Link
- label (string) - label used to identify the Spruce Link.
- url (string) - URL shared with patients to connect with the organization via the Spruce Link
- deleted (string) - TRUE/FALSE value to indicate if the Spruce Link is deleted or not
Updated 7 months ago